Monday, September 28, 2009

I got my cat when I was five years old. He was a kitten and I remember playing with him and feeding him, brushing him, and falling asleep with him. There are countless pictures of me and my cat from 5 years old till now. And I love him lke any other part of my family. I watched a car hit him and could not stop crying when we took him into the vet and had to have a cast on his hind leg.

My dog Oreo I got in the th grade when my parents were going through a rough time in their marriage. She was there for me and was always happy to see me come through the door. We share a room, and she takes up most of my bed and she snores. But he makes me feel safe, she's very protective of me, not letting people get close to me when they come over. She is my protecter and I love her to death.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Teenaged Witchcraft

My words can cut
my breath can sooth.
And against my, skin you're so cold.
Against my rules, you're just another punk.

And when the walls seem to fall
and the paint begins to peel
I'll let myself fall onto the glass.
With my face pressed to your chest
your heartbeat is all I can hear.

We went to bed as thin as the cracks of the doors
And with misery laying close to my head
I woke up as lonely as the dead.

Six feet down,
six feet up.
I couldn't think of what to say the day we grew up.

With my eyes pressed to the mirror
I couldn't sleep with your image.
Against my lips
against my hands
your outline slipped out like the wind.

And fifteen years from now,
your footsteps will remain with your shoes.

These walls will breath,
these walls I curse,
spewing fire from their holes.
And they'll burn me in all their thirst.